Jumping in the Deep End

Waterlilies, 30"x30", mixed media, work in progress I frequently tell my art students you have to confidently move forward because you can't react to what you can't see. In this case I am calling it jumping into the deep end. The purple/water will look very different as this image resolves itself but this is the base/beginning. Laying out the entire image helps me see how they balance each other as they evolve. Water gardens are beautiful havens of tranquility. They also represent one of the most basic threads that unite all life, water. The first organisms on Earth evolved in water/mud. Our bodies are 66% water, the Earth's surface is made up of 71% water and the atmosphere contains from .2% - 4% water. We need to drink water to stay alive. Stay tuned as I work on this drawing as a tribute to the numerous water features at Narrows Botanical Gardens and the calm beauty they provide for the community. Learn more about my work at KristinHarrisDesign....